marți, 9 februarie 2010

"Prayer is the pulse of life; by it the doctor can tell what is the condition of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary Christian or minister that the life of God in the soul is in deadly sickness and weakness." - Andrew Murray
INDIA – Pastor’s Left Ear Slashed in Brutal Attack – VOM Contacts

On Oct. 5, Pastor Paul Ninama, returning from a prayer meeting when he was brutally attacked by six Bajrang DalHindu extremists. The radicals cut his left ear off after beating him with sticks in Pipal Khota Choti village, inMadhya Pradesh, India. According to VOM contacts the six men called out to the pastor in Hindi saying, “Servant of the Lord, Come here!” They then asked him to sit down and as soon as the pastor sat down, they started hitting him with a stick and with their fists injuring his left hand grievously. They kicked him and did not let him get up off the ground. Then, one of the men took a sharp knife, while the others held the pastor down, and he slashed Pastor Paul’s ear and stabbed him near his ear. During the attack, Pastor Ninama screamed for help and nearby villagers caught one of the attackers. The attacker was arrested, but released two days later on bail. The pastor was admitted to a hospital for 12 days. He continues to suffer from great pain in his ear and the area that was stabbed. Please pray for Pastor Paul’s full recovery and for the safety of his wife and seven children.

Vietnam – Christian Forced to Recant Faith – Compass Direct News

A Christian couple, Sung Cua Ho and Hang thi Va, from Ho Co village, Vietnam have endured physical abuse and threats since Sung converted to Christianity in November 2009, according to Compass Direct News. On Dec. 1, the couple was arrested and beaten by officials after police earlier incited locals to abuse and stone them and other Christian families. Officials reportedly struck Sung 70 times on his head and back. The believers were fined 8 million dong (US$436) and a pig. Sung's cell phone and motorbike were also confiscated. Meanwhile on Dec. 15, police took the couple to members of their extended family who severely pressured them to deny their Christian faith. When police threatened to beat Sung to death and seize his property, which would leave his family destitute, he signed recantation documents. Sung is scheduled to prove his reconversion on Feb. 13 by offering sacrifices to ancestors. Ask God to equip Sung by His Holy Spirit to remain strong in his faith despite severe pressure and threats. Pray for protection for Sung, Hang and their children, as well as the other Christian families in their community. Pray that Vietnam will respect religious freedom for all its citizens.

duminică, 7 februarie 2010

11 Septembrie...

Dupa evenimentele de la 11 septembrie, o firma a invitat membrii ramasi ai altor firme care fusesera afectate de atentate sa imparta spatiul de birouri ramas disponibil. La una din intalnirile de dimineata, seful serviciului de securitate a spus povestile acelor oameni ramasi in viata… si motivele lor au fost toate lucruri "MICI": Asa cum probabil ati mai auzit, directorul firmei a supravietuit in ziua aceea fiindca fiul lui incepuse gradinita. Un altul a ramas in viata fiindca iesise sa cumpere gogosi. O femeie a intarziat la serviciu fiindca nu sunase ceasul desteptator. Un altul a pierdut autobuzul. Un altul si-a murdarit hainele cu mancare la micul dejun si a trebuit sa se schimbe. Altuia nu i-a pornit masina. Unul s-a intors sa raspunda la telefon. Copilul altuia nu a fost gata la timp pentru a fi dus la scoala. Altul nu a gasit un taxi. Exemplul care i-a uimit pe toti a fost al unui om care se incaltase cu o pereche de pantofi noi in dimineata aceea. Pe drum spre serviciu l-au ros pantofii si s-a oprit la farmacie sa cumpere leucoplast. De aceea este in viata astazi.

Acum, cand ma intepenesc in trafic, pierd un lift, ma intorc din drum sa raspund la telefon… adica toate acele lucruri marunte care ma enerveaza, ma gandesc ca probabil acela este locul in care Dumnezeu vrea ca eu sa ma aflu in acel moment… Data viitoare cand dimineata ta pare ca incepe prost, cand copiii se imbraca prea incet, nu gasesti cheile masinii, prinzi toate semafoarele pe rosu, nu te simti suparat sau frustrat. Dumnezeu este la datorie, datoria de a veghea asupra ta.

joi, 4 februarie 2010

LoVe~something different 4 a new world !

Hello to all those how will enjoy my blog. This blog will be dedicated to all those who want to know about this World and for those who want to help with small things (small things that can do miracles).Maybe you thing you are to small to change the world but believe me, you are such a wonderful person because our BEAUTIFUL MAKER created you with so much love.So come with me to show the World HIS LOVE !!
Somebody wrote on a bener:

~..Take my Love.for Love is everlasting..And remember the truth that once was spoken: to love another person is to see the face of God...~

~...The impuls of love that leads to the door-way of a friend is the voice of God witin,and we need not be afraid to follow it...~